Friday, April 6, 2012

Periods of decline and dissolution represent necessary phases within cyclical time perspectives. In Hinduism, for example, the present epoch is considered to be the last of four ages -- it is called the Kali Yuga, named destroyer goddess and dark mother. Kali usually depicted dancing on a corpse, brandishing weapons, and wearing a garland of skulls, strumpet, promiscuous tongue sticking out, blood dripping from her fangs. This time suggests that we a revival is merely the answer,but a total renovation of form.

The first phase returns to the Sata Yuga, Shakti ecstasy. In Taoism it is called the reversal of the movement of Tao.
Aztecs call this the age of the Fifth Sun: sacrificing 70K people a year to keep the Fifth Sun alive and happy. What decadence will do in the face of decline.
what do the Hopi say?

An alternative perspective withholds judgements.

11. We might consider the ways that the current world situation: billions of people sitting on a decreasingly rich natural world, facing an increasingly uncertain life: is both an improvement and and decline from the previous epoch (tribal societies with stabilized populations, living what some may call simpler and others more complex lives, more balanced with the natural world)

And we began to think myth as a way of thinking we have outgrown. But I can argue that the myth form is the very thought string that we are ancestrally tied to. The fact that indigenous and traditional cultures remain valid orientations of reality must account for something. Prophecy then, might be based, not haphazardly on fantasy, but on attunement to subtler levels of reality. On forms of awareness that overriding dominant train of mental thought wanted to forget, in order to develop empirical and rationalistic thought.

Armin Geertz: "Prophecy is a thread in the total fabric of meaning. In the total worldview. IN this way it can be seen as a way of life and of being."

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